eBook | Foreign Asset Reporting: Navigating the Choppy Financial Seas.

You’re A Mean One, Mr. “GDPR”

Ever wonder why your email inbox is overflowing with privacy policy updates from seemingly every company under the sun from Facebook to YouTube to Instagram and LinkedIn? The culprit is GDPR. Let’s start from the beginning. What is this new regulation that has gotten the attention of virtually every website owner in the United States and […]

Is FATCA a Mere Flash In The Pan or a Pestilent Gnat That Is Here to Stay?

When you drop a large rock into a pool of calm water, ripples appear and spread and eventually they will touch the entire surface of that pond, drastically changing its appearance. And the FATCA rock was a very big one indeed. Recognizing that there is a substantial amount of money stored overseas that has gone unreported – and […]

The Top 10 Mistakes Actors Make When They Sign a Contract

1. They fail to read it. You’re an actor. You make you living through your craft. So when you book that role and a deal comes your way, your first instinct may be to start pumping your fists in the air and sign whatever document is put in front of you before the hard and […]

What Actors Should Consider Before Signing a Contract

You’re an actor, which means you shouldn’t have to spend the majority of your day deciphering the fine print of a contract to understand how it will affect your future like a scholar deciphering the Dead Sea scrolls. From understanding exclusivity provisions with limitations on how often and where you can work to the length […]

When Should an Actor Lawyer Up?

Picture this. You’ve booked a gig, your agent emails you the contract, and suddenly it hits you: “Should I have a lawyer look it over before I sign it?” It’s a deceptively simple question, with the devil being in the details. It involves the balancing of several factors. On the one hand, agents understand deals. […]