eBook | Foreign Asset Reporting: Navigating the Choppy Financial Seas.

Sample Reasonable Cause Letter for Abatement of Form 941 Penalties & Interest

Attached is a sample reasonable cause letter in support of a client’s request that all penalties and interest arising out of his unintentional failure to file and pay Form 941 withholding taxes be waived. This is a heavily redacted version and should not be relied upon in any way, shape, or form in dealing with […]

Double Trouble! Employment Taxes & The Trust Fund Recovery Penalty

“Lord, hou schulde God approve that you robbe Petur and gif is robbere to Poule in ye name of Crist?” John Wycliffe, Selected English Works, c. 1380 In medieval England, the Christian Peter and Paul were two peas in a pod. They were both apostles and both martyred in Rome. They even shared the same […]